Approval Process

Military Community and Family Policy is a diverse organization with multiple offices and support staff across the globe. That means there is a strong reliance on electronic means of communication for development and review of routine documents, online content, print products, and electronic newsletters and publications. When submitting a document for review, ensure that it meets all requirements in this online style guide and use the following naming convention when saving a file:

  • Name of file
  • Date
  • Initials of staff member submitting document
  • example: MYOM-Parenting-20Aug2010-LS.doc

Some files will go into a database and be linked from online sources, so limit file names to the following:

  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Dashes (use in place of spaces)
  • Underscores (use in place of spaces)
  • Periods

You may submit any documents for official MC&FP policy or program review via the Tasking Assignments and Reporting system. When submitting documents in the TAR, follow all naming conventions above. If spaces remain in a file name, a %20 will appear in each space when you save the file. This will cause your file name to appear as MOS%20versionDahlgren%2015Aug2020.pdf

By adding an underscore to each space, no additional characters will appear in the file name once you save it. This ensures the file will correctly open, once it uploads to the database and incorporates into a hyperlink, as MOS_versionDahlgren_15Aug2020.pdf.

Visit the Military OneSource media page for information on the review process if you are outside MC&FP. You may also submit questions via our customer support system.